Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Go with the flow.

This is our 10th school year homeschooling. You would think that perhaps I would be able to get everything done on our lesson plan for the day. But one thing is for sure with homeschooling you have to allow yourself to go with the flow sometimes. And leave it at that. Don't second guess yourself with, " But are they learning enough?" or "we have to get this assignment done today." I can guarantee you that it will not be the end of the world if your day doesn't go as planned. And believe me there will always be tomorrow (Lord willing). It is so easy to get caught up in the things that we didn't get done for the day. But what really matters is, what did you get done for the day. Because some days with life as crazy as it can be, the best that we can do is make sure that everyone is fed, bathed, and loved. And this is especially true when you have little ones running around.

The first several years of our homeschooling experience there were many days when me and my children snuggled up on the couch together and read through our stack of library books. As we read we would learn and touch on all kinds of different subjects. We could be counting the characters on the page as well as naming all of the different colors we saw on each page while we were reading the story. It can be tough to get through a lot of sit down book work time when you have little ones so you have to take what time you get and make the most of it. Try to cover as many subjects that you can at one time. You can certainly use the sand in the sandbox as your chalkboard and practice writing the alphabet in the sand as you play together. And you can count the cheerios on the high chair tray and build the different letters too.

Something that I have seen over the years is just how different your school day will change the older your children get and the more experience you get with homeschooling. You will see that there will be more sit down time as their attention spans mature. All children will develop and learn new concepts when they as indiviuals are ready for it. I have taught my 14 yr. old daughter with Down Syndrome addition and subtraction for many years now. But it hasn't been until this year that I have really seen her grow and come to understand this whole process. I do have to believe that it is partly because of the math that we are using this year. I have been using Math-U-See with both of my children. This is a new program for us and so far it is working really well for both of them. Jasmine requires a lot of repetition in her learning and you get that with Math-U-See. Plus both of my children are visual learners. So anytime that you can teach them something that they can actually touch and feel it helps them to understand much easier. But also Jas is just mentally ready to understand the addition taught this way.

With my 11 yr old son the Math-U-See is working well for him because the lessons only take about 10 - 15 minutes to complete. But also the approach that they use in this math with really focusing on patterns and codes to help remember the math facts has really helped him to learn and retain the math. As well as there are blocks that they use to build the facts out of. The past several years he has used Saxon and Swithced On Schoolhouse math. I loved the Saxon because of the thoroughness of the lessons. However the lessons would easily take us 45 minutes to finish for the day. And he is boy through and through so good luck getting him to sit still for that amount of time for just one subject. With the Switched On Schoolhouse it is a computer program where all of their work is done on the computer. At the beginning of the school year he seemed to enjoy this but as the school year went on he got tired of having to do the work on the computer so we started to print the lessons out and he would write out all of his work. These lessons could also be quite long.

Homeschooling is a constant learning process for everyone involved. I have said many times that I have learned just as much if not more than my children have over the years of teaching them. And perhaps the biggest thing I have learned is to go with the flow and take each school day one day at a time. You will be surprised with what will get accomplished because trust me, it is the important things that will get done for the day. And the rest will be there tomorrow or the next day.

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