Tuesday, December 14, 2010


As our children grow we try to train and teach them to be caring and compassionate people. Making sure that they use their manners and are kind to others. But nothing is quite as amazing as when you get to see them show one of these characteristics to you all on their own without being prompted by you.

My 11 yr old son melted my heart the other day. Ever since the day after Thanksgiving he has been trying to come up with his own money so that he could buy his own gifts to give to his family and friends. He has always loved giving gifts to others that I have bought but this year he has wanted to buy his own with his own money. And here is where he melted my heart. He received some money in the mail as a Christmas gift and the next day he was ready to go shopping because now he had more money to buy more gifts for everyone. Now you talk about a proud Momma. I was so proud of him for wanting to spend his gift that he received on others. How selfless of him. And I have to tell you that this made his Momma want to buy him just a few extra things for Christmas for him being so willing to spend his money on others.

I love this boy. He is becoming a great little man. He has also been very helpful with making lots of gifts as well. We have made a brown sugar and sesame oil body scrub and lots of bars of soap. And he is making his own Christmas cards to give to everyone. We save our Christmas cards from the previous years and then recycle the pictures and characters on them to make new cards. He does better at sending Christmas cards then I do.

You know as a stay-at-home I don't get paid money for a full time job but seeing my son be so giving it is "Priceless".

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